A Lover's Lyrics
Melodies Within My Footsteps..

Monday, October 7, 2013
Happy Birthday India
Hey everybody,
I did my own remix of the traditional birthday song for my best friend, India. Acapella! Take a listen! Feel free to Comment, Like, Subscribe to my youtube channel, and tell a friend too!!
Here it is! Hope you enjoy it!
Friday, June 14, 2013
A Sacrifice Is Nothing, If It Doesn't Cost You Something
2 Samuel 24:24
And the king said unto Araunah, Nay; but I will surely buy it of thee
at a price: neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of
that which doth cost me nothing. So David bought the threshingfloor and
the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.
Here, David was
commanded to build an altar to God in the threshingfloor of Araunah, a
Jebusite. When David was talking to him, Araunah
offered the animals, tools, and materials to David. Then, David tells
him no, he will buy it from him, because he will not make a sacrifice
that costs him nothing.
So many times, us as believers offer
what we think is a sacrifice to God, costing us very little or nothing,
and expect God to be pleased. But one thing is missing from the
sacrifice...the SACRIFICE! The concept of the word itself means that we
are giving up something that is prized, something we value, knowing that
it will be worth giving up for something deeper, something better, and
more valuable. If you give your "sacrifice", without actually
sacrificing something, then the sacrifice is of no effect. We can't fool
God into thinking that it's something we greatly desire that we are
giving up for Him, because He knows our heart, and the things that are
truly important to us.
If I walk by a homeless man, and I'm
moved to give him my favorite shirt, straight off my back, because I see
him struggling, that gives a completely different feel than when I take
some old dirty shirt or jeans that I have no value or care for, and
dump it at his feet. That almost gives a feeling as if I'm just throwing
it away, and the man happened to be laying there. Now in this instance,
the homeless man might be happy for it either way, because he has need
of it, but God is not needy for ANYTHING, especially anything that we
can "give" Him! In fact, we have it in the first place because He first
gave it to us! Giving a worthless sacrifice is just that...worthless,
and not sacrificial in nature.
If we are going to sacrifice,
let's actually sacrifice. But first, let's do our best to obey, because
obedience is better to begin with...
If God tells you to do something, DO IT!
Just a little reinforcement for you.
1 Kings 13. Entire Chapter
There was a man from Judah that came to king Jeroboam in Bethel, and
told him God's warning to him about something that would happen, due to
his disobedience. Right after he gave Jeroboam the warning, the same
thing he said would happen, happened before their eyes. Jeroboam told
his men to hold on to the Judean man, and as he stretched his hand out
while he was speaking, his hand dried up, and he couldn't pull it back.
He asked the Judean man to pray and ask God for his hand to be restored.
The man did, and his hand was restored, as it was before. Jeroboam then
asked the man to come back to his house to refresh himself, and be
rewarded. The man said even if Jeroboam offered him half his house, he
would not go, because the word of the Lord to the man was to not eat
bread nor drink water in that place, and to not even return to his city
using the same path he used to get there!
On his way back, an
old prophet in Bethel met up with him and asked him to come back to his
house and eat with him. The man said no, again, for the same reason he
said no to Jeroboam. The old prophet then told him that an angel spoke
to him and said to bring the man back to eat bread and drink water. The
man went back with him. After they ate, a word from the Lord came to the
old prophet, and he told the man that for his disobedience, his body
wouldn't even make it back to his fathers' grave, which was significant
back then, because many men were buried in the grave of their fathers.
On the way back, the man, riding a donkey, was killed by a lion. The
lion did not eat the man's body, and didn't even touch the donkey he
rode on.
This is a tragic story, but it shows us something very
simple, but very significant. When God tells you to do something, DO
IT! Do it when and how He tells you. If someone tells you the complete
opposite of what you know God said to you, then you should know
something ain't right. God is no liar, nor is he the author of
confusion. Obedience is key in this walk of faith...
Monday, February 4, 2013
I worked hard to do a cover of Chris Brown's "Don't Judge Me". The link is directly below! Check it out! Comment, Like, Subscribe, and tell a friend!
Cover of Chris Brown's "Don't Judge Me"
Cover of Chris Brown's "Don't Judge Me"
Friday, April 6, 2012
by Kindred
Picture this…
There is a man…
You’re looking at him out in front of you, as you stand on a sandy shore
Looking at his face, you can tell he is exhausted…
Exhausted, and hurting…
His arms are stretched wide…
You can see that he’s experiencing intense agony…
You look at his hands, and you see nails in each of them…
He clenches his fists to help bear the pain…
On his head, is a crown…
A crown made of thorns, pressed into his scalp..
He closes his eyes tightly…while his breaths are sharp and short
There’s a bruise on his side…
Similar to a stab wound, but a little wider, as if he must have been fighting a war…
His feet, one on top of the other, unmovable, due to the nail going through them…
The color red is so dominant on this man…because he’s bleeding
Looking at his feet…you see blood
On his side…you see blood
His head…blood
His hands…blood
Trickling down his body drop by drop, and even gushing at times
Under him, a large body of water…the water represents life
This is what the blood is dripping into
Each drop is falling in, and changing the water’s color, until it is no longer clear enough to see what’s underneath the surface…
You look to your left, and to your right, and see others just like you…some faces familiar, some not
You put your toe in the water…it’s warm, and you feel somewhat revitalized for the moment…
You bend down and dip your hand in, and move it around a little…
You see others doing the same thing, some walking away after…
Others just watch you, and then they walk away too…
Occasionally you see some come back to the shore, realizing that quite a number of them are ones that dipped and walked away..
They dip and walk away again, and again…
Some have dipped and left, but never returned…
You see where they’re walking to, and you don’t want to go there…
You’ve been there before, and have no desire to go back
You see some others dive in and swim…
You’re a little apprehensive, but you know that there’s something for you in that water..
There’s something for you, right where that man is, if you could only make it to him
You take a deep breath, and dive in headfirst..
You swim…as far as you can, holding your breath, uncertain of what to expect
Eventually you can’t hold your breath any longer, and just when you burst, you realize that you can breathe under the surface of the bloody water
In fact, you breathe easier than you ever did before…
You realize that you feel so light, full of hope and energy
Your arms and legs aren’t getting tired, because the water gives you strength
You can feel the water cleaning you…washing away all the dirt from your body
You keep your eyes on him, and keep swimming, knowing the shore is too far to turn back now
Out of your peripheral, you see some swimming back, but you still see some going forward, strong
After time spent swimming relentlessly, you finally get to where he is, and see that he is only but a few inches from the water’s surface..
You reach out, and feel a drop of blood fall on your hand
You look, and you see it running along your skin…
You realize that everywhere the drop of blood touched now looks a little different, a little newer…
A little cleaner, a little more…authentic
You reach up to touch his foot, while looking at his face…
Then you wake up…
You see your arm stretched up into the air…
You realize that you were sleeping, but you know your dream was not ordinary, nor is it one to simply brush off…
You walk through your day, looking to your left, and to your right…
And see others just like you…some faces familiar, some not
You still see the water…deep blood red
With every step you take, you feel almost like you’re swimming…
Knowing that each step is guided and strengthened by the same man you saw in your dream, as long as you keep your heart reaching out for him…
Despite others’ discouraging words and deeds, and your own doubts and fears, keep your eyes on him…
There’s something for you, that’s in his possession…
Keep swimming…
Thursday, January 19, 2012
I'll Never Forget
I’ll Never Forget
I saw you, every day with that look in your eyes
I can tell that you had just cried
You’ve gone thru hell and back, looking for one whose heartbeat matched yours
Settling for less than what you deserved
Your heart’s been spat on, stabbed, and bruised by the men in your past
Each one you approached with a clear conscience
But another piece of your heart was always broken by the last
You were looking for better, but scared to find it
Trust issues weren’t new to you anymore…
But I didn’t want to see you hurting any longer
I didn’t want you to go home, not being able to look in the mirror for fear of the feeling
of inadequacy
I reached out my hand to yours
I wanted to show you that chivalry is still breathing
I wanted you to see what I saw under your past pain…
The beautiful woman who was only trying to love the way you were intended
The lovely eyes that could make anyone double back just to see them again…
The gorgeous smile that could provide comfort and solace
When I looked into each of your eyes, I saw your fears…
One said “I need,” while the other said “but I don’t want…”
Too bad, that simultaneously, while I attempted to provide your need, you started to become something I never wanted…
The pain you felt changed you…
You became the model of the women that I walk away from…
You let the bitter water from your past consume your present, and spill over into your
And the water burned when you looked at me with your lies…
All I wanted to do was love you, the way I was intended to love…
You had other plans…
Plans to make me pay for your hurt
But I will never have enough time to spend, re-paying that debt
Yea, it hurt, but I refuse to allow myself to walk down that road...
Betrayal isn’t my forte, & neither is bitterness
I’ll just leave with the memory of you, praying that your future is brighter than your past
Remembering each tear that I wiped from your face…
I’ll always remember the day I saw you crying a river
And I’ll never forget how I drowned trying to save you…
Friday, January 6, 2012
Through My Eyes...(Acts 4 & 5)
I just finished reading Acts 4 & 5, and it's a story that I think is so deeply important in our Christian faith. Here we have 2 spirit filled men, Peter and John, who were preaching in the name of Christ, teaching of His death, resurrection, and salvation through His name. This was right after they healed the lame man that was begging them, giving him something worth more than money and physical food. Many people, about 5 thousand men, plus women and children, began to believe in the words they were saying, and also they began to receive opposition from people of power, namely the priests, the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees. The leaders asked Peter and John, by what name they are speaking and healing, having such power and effect on the people. Peter responded, saying that it is by Jesus, the same man that was killed by the leaders and their people, and hung on the cross. They were then told to stop talking about this man named Jesus, converting all these people into believers of a doctrine they did not personally believe in.
Peter and John responded, telling those that opposed them, whether it is right for us to listen to God, or listen to you, we will let you figure out. Back in these days, this was an incredibly bold statement to make. Going against the leaders got you imprisoned, killed, or both, period. It wasn't a case where you would get off on good behavior, or be given the benefit of the doubt. Then later, in chapter 5, comes the story of Ananias and Sapphira. There were many people selling their wealth, and giving it as an offering for the gospel to be continued. The man Ananias, sold some land, and brought only a portion of the money and gave it, but told them that it was all he got.
Peter then asked Ananias why he felt the desire to lie to the Holy Ghost, as if it wasn't of his own power, and decision that he sold his possession in the first place?! He told him that he's not lying to men, but instead he's lying to God. Immediately, Ananias dropped dead. 3 hours later, Sapphira, his wife came, and Peter asked her if the amount was all they got from selling the land. She, too, lied and said that it was, and Peter told her the same thing he told her husband, and she died just like him, instantly. This alone is enough to preach a whole sermon on. The people that saw and heard of what happened, were immediately filled with fear, as you and I would be if we saw something of this magnitude.
After, more signs and wonders were done by the two apostles, Peter, and John, including healing many sick and possessed people. This angered the high priest, and several others, so they took the apostles, and threw them in jail. The same night, the prison doors were opened and the 2 men were released by angels of God, who then commanded them to go to the temple and speak to the people. The next day, when the high priest called the council, and had sent for the two men, they were told that the prison was securely shut, with the guards standing outside, but the men were not in it. They then got word that the men were preaching in the temple, just as the angels had told them to. Then they brought them before the council, and questioned them, saying, didn't we tell you to stop teaching in the name of Jesus? Peter responded, telling them that their duty is to listen to God, rather than listening to men. The same God who raised Jesus, whom they killed and hung on the cross. Once again, they gave this bold answer.
As soon as they said this, the leaders were cut to the heart, and they wanted to kill the apostles. A well respected man named Gamaliel, who was known as a doctor of the law, stood up and spoke, telling the counsel to be careful of how they treat these apostles. He told them that if the words they speak are purely by men and not true, then it will die, but if it is true, then they would be found fighting against God, which would have much bigger repercussions. Then, the apostles were beaten, commanded again not to speak in Jesus name, and let go. One thing that gets me is that because of this, the apostles REJOICED that they were counted WORTHY to suffer shame for Christ, and then began to teach and preach the name of Christ everyday, in every house, and in the temple.
This is alot, yes, but it catches my eye for many reasons. For one, these apostles walked SO BOLDLY. As believers, we are required to be bold followers of Christ. We're responsible for upholding our integrity to Him night or day, rain or shine, joy or pain. So many times we pick and choose when we want to allow Christ to live in our situation. Sometimes, especially around church folk, we act so filled with the Holy Spirit, spitting out scriptures and saying this and that, but then this is nowhere near the person that people outside of the church walls see. When we go to our different environments, sometimes we hide our Christianity from others, not wanting to seem like a church boy or church girl, wondering what other men and women will think of us, because that lifestyle is so scrutinized. It's a shame how we actively choose to not let the light shine so that people can see it, and acknowledge that there is something greater in us, than just the average person with the average problems, and the average thoughts. I, too, have fallen to this way of living. There have been times, especially when I was younger, when I was given the PERFECT opportunity to minister to someone and tell them about Jesus, but I purposely suppressed the feeling, just so that I could be seen as "popular." In fact, this is what I think about everytime I see the scripture that says, if we deny knowing Christ in the eyes of others, He will deny knowing us in the eyes of His Father. Gut wrenching isn't it? I hope so, cuz it should be.
Ok, now the next thing that catches my eye is of course Ananias and his wife Sapphira. They flat out lied to Peter, thinking that they could get away with it, not realizing that they were really lying to God, who knew the truth anyway! Together, they pretty much came up with the scheme that they would bring only a portion of what they were supposed to, and give it as an offering under the pretense that they were giving their all, just so they can make themselves "look" good...sound familiar? I want you as a reader, and more importantly just as a person, to think about it. How many times can we say that we have acted like we did something, or said that we did something, just so we can look good to others, knowing good and well that we were presenting a false sense of truth? I'm pretty sure it's something we've all fallen victim to at some point, because as we all know, other people's perception of us has a certain degree of importance. When Ananias did it, he was exposed on the spot, and immediately killed, not by the apostles, but by God! When Sapphira came 3 hours later, not having any knowledge of what happened with her husband, she was given a chance to be truthful, but she didn't. She was exposed on the spot, and immediately killed, not by the apostles, but by God! So I ask this question. You think you got away with it, just because you're still breathing right? WRONG! All of our deeds and actions are being recorded by God, and He doesn't miss a moment. In fact, He knows what you're going to do before you do! But that doesn't mean that we're not given a chance, like Sapphira. We are all given a chance to present the lies we tell to God, and turn away from them. It's a chance we must take when we get it, because we don't know just how many chances we will end up with before we are no longer living.
Lastly, another thing that catches my attention is at the end of Chapter 5, when the apostles were beaten for preaching Christ, and let go, and they began to rejoice...REJOICE? For being beaten? Seriously?! Honestly, it is still something I have to physically wrap my mind around whenever I think of it, and remind myself of the deeper reasons why they rejoiced. I can't honestly say that this is something I automatically fall into as I did the previous 2 topics, but I want to so badly. It takes such a sense of closeness to God, and an understanding of what it means to suffer shame for the name of Christ, in order to be able to rejoice at something like this. I know that I'm going to have people who turn their back on me because I choose to follow Christ. It has already happened to me, but I can't really say it was by a person that I was ever close to. I've been made fun of because I've always been a "church boy," which is something I battled with, especially during middle school, which is mainly where the first topic I spoke of came into play, but eventually, I always brushed it off and kept moving, because people are not most important, and like I said, these people were never really close to me. I know it's coming though. I know the ridicule is coming. I may have to give up some friends. I know the pain and the storms are coming, and I'm going to have to stop associating with certain people if they do not respect certain aspects of my being. It's going to be hard, but I want to be able to suffer for Christ sake, and then turn around and rejoice just like the apostles did, for the simple fact that my perfect God, sent His son, my savior, Jesus, down to endured pain, heartache, and suffering, just to claim me as His own...just so He could have a close relationship with me. If I was to turn my back on Him, I wouldn't be able to live with myself, and more importantly, I wouldn't be able to live...
I'm just sharing my heart with you. Thank you for reading this far. I know it is alot, and I commend you for sticking with me this far. Most people would look at the size of this, and go to the next thing. I am ver appreciative of your time and patience...Love God. Love people. Follow Christ.
Feel free to comment and tell me your thoughts. I'd love to read them.
Peter and John responded, telling those that opposed them, whether it is right for us to listen to God, or listen to you, we will let you figure out. Back in these days, this was an incredibly bold statement to make. Going against the leaders got you imprisoned, killed, or both, period. It wasn't a case where you would get off on good behavior, or be given the benefit of the doubt. Then later, in chapter 5, comes the story of Ananias and Sapphira. There were many people selling their wealth, and giving it as an offering for the gospel to be continued. The man Ananias, sold some land, and brought only a portion of the money and gave it, but told them that it was all he got.
Peter then asked Ananias why he felt the desire to lie to the Holy Ghost, as if it wasn't of his own power, and decision that he sold his possession in the first place?! He told him that he's not lying to men, but instead he's lying to God. Immediately, Ananias dropped dead. 3 hours later, Sapphira, his wife came, and Peter asked her if the amount was all they got from selling the land. She, too, lied and said that it was, and Peter told her the same thing he told her husband, and she died just like him, instantly. This alone is enough to preach a whole sermon on. The people that saw and heard of what happened, were immediately filled with fear, as you and I would be if we saw something of this magnitude.
After, more signs and wonders were done by the two apostles, Peter, and John, including healing many sick and possessed people. This angered the high priest, and several others, so they took the apostles, and threw them in jail. The same night, the prison doors were opened and the 2 men were released by angels of God, who then commanded them to go to the temple and speak to the people. The next day, when the high priest called the council, and had sent for the two men, they were told that the prison was securely shut, with the guards standing outside, but the men were not in it. They then got word that the men were preaching in the temple, just as the angels had told them to. Then they brought them before the council, and questioned them, saying, didn't we tell you to stop teaching in the name of Jesus? Peter responded, telling them that their duty is to listen to God, rather than listening to men. The same God who raised Jesus, whom they killed and hung on the cross. Once again, they gave this bold answer.
As soon as they said this, the leaders were cut to the heart, and they wanted to kill the apostles. A well respected man named Gamaliel, who was known as a doctor of the law, stood up and spoke, telling the counsel to be careful of how they treat these apostles. He told them that if the words they speak are purely by men and not true, then it will die, but if it is true, then they would be found fighting against God, which would have much bigger repercussions. Then, the apostles were beaten, commanded again not to speak in Jesus name, and let go. One thing that gets me is that because of this, the apostles REJOICED that they were counted WORTHY to suffer shame for Christ, and then began to teach and preach the name of Christ everyday, in every house, and in the temple.
This is alot, yes, but it catches my eye for many reasons. For one, these apostles walked SO BOLDLY. As believers, we are required to be bold followers of Christ. We're responsible for upholding our integrity to Him night or day, rain or shine, joy or pain. So many times we pick and choose when we want to allow Christ to live in our situation. Sometimes, especially around church folk, we act so filled with the Holy Spirit, spitting out scriptures and saying this and that, but then this is nowhere near the person that people outside of the church walls see. When we go to our different environments, sometimes we hide our Christianity from others, not wanting to seem like a church boy or church girl, wondering what other men and women will think of us, because that lifestyle is so scrutinized. It's a shame how we actively choose to not let the light shine so that people can see it, and acknowledge that there is something greater in us, than just the average person with the average problems, and the average thoughts. I, too, have fallen to this way of living. There have been times, especially when I was younger, when I was given the PERFECT opportunity to minister to someone and tell them about Jesus, but I purposely suppressed the feeling, just so that I could be seen as "popular." In fact, this is what I think about everytime I see the scripture that says, if we deny knowing Christ in the eyes of others, He will deny knowing us in the eyes of His Father. Gut wrenching isn't it? I hope so, cuz it should be.
Ok, now the next thing that catches my eye is of course Ananias and his wife Sapphira. They flat out lied to Peter, thinking that they could get away with it, not realizing that they were really lying to God, who knew the truth anyway! Together, they pretty much came up with the scheme that they would bring only a portion of what they were supposed to, and give it as an offering under the pretense that they were giving their all, just so they can make themselves "look" good...sound familiar? I want you as a reader, and more importantly just as a person, to think about it. How many times can we say that we have acted like we did something, or said that we did something, just so we can look good to others, knowing good and well that we were presenting a false sense of truth? I'm pretty sure it's something we've all fallen victim to at some point, because as we all know, other people's perception of us has a certain degree of importance. When Ananias did it, he was exposed on the spot, and immediately killed, not by the apostles, but by God! When Sapphira came 3 hours later, not having any knowledge of what happened with her husband, she was given a chance to be truthful, but she didn't. She was exposed on the spot, and immediately killed, not by the apostles, but by God! So I ask this question. You think you got away with it, just because you're still breathing right? WRONG! All of our deeds and actions are being recorded by God, and He doesn't miss a moment. In fact, He knows what you're going to do before you do! But that doesn't mean that we're not given a chance, like Sapphira. We are all given a chance to present the lies we tell to God, and turn away from them. It's a chance we must take when we get it, because we don't know just how many chances we will end up with before we are no longer living.
Lastly, another thing that catches my attention is at the end of Chapter 5, when the apostles were beaten for preaching Christ, and let go, and they began to rejoice...REJOICE? For being beaten? Seriously?! Honestly, it is still something I have to physically wrap my mind around whenever I think of it, and remind myself of the deeper reasons why they rejoiced. I can't honestly say that this is something I automatically fall into as I did the previous 2 topics, but I want to so badly. It takes such a sense of closeness to God, and an understanding of what it means to suffer shame for the name of Christ, in order to be able to rejoice at something like this. I know that I'm going to have people who turn their back on me because I choose to follow Christ. It has already happened to me, but I can't really say it was by a person that I was ever close to. I've been made fun of because I've always been a "church boy," which is something I battled with, especially during middle school, which is mainly where the first topic I spoke of came into play, but eventually, I always brushed it off and kept moving, because people are not most important, and like I said, these people were never really close to me. I know it's coming though. I know the ridicule is coming. I may have to give up some friends. I know the pain and the storms are coming, and I'm going to have to stop associating with certain people if they do not respect certain aspects of my being. It's going to be hard, but I want to be able to suffer for Christ sake, and then turn around and rejoice just like the apostles did, for the simple fact that my perfect God, sent His son, my savior, Jesus, down to endured pain, heartache, and suffering, just to claim me as His own...just so He could have a close relationship with me. If I was to turn my back on Him, I wouldn't be able to live with myself, and more importantly, I wouldn't be able to live...
I'm just sharing my heart with you. Thank you for reading this far. I know it is alot, and I commend you for sticking with me this far. Most people would look at the size of this, and go to the next thing. I am ver appreciative of your time and patience...Love God. Love people. Follow Christ.
Feel free to comment and tell me your thoughts. I'd love to read them.
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