Blissful Brilliance
By Blessed©
The wit of the wind…beautiful in it’s own way, brilliance indescribable
What is ur definition of brilliance?
Couldn’t one find brilliance in anything? Even if he’s the only one that sees it in that way?
Is brilliance just a word with a definition? Or is it just an emotion? A gathering of feelings?
Do you need someone to tell you you’re brilliant for you to feel like it?
Some see brilliance in a skillfully written novel…possessing high levels of intellect that are probably difficult to grasp with a lack of a certain level of education
But isn’t there just as much brilliance in the child at the edge of the sidewalk, hanging one foot into the street, who looks if a car is coming?
How brilliant is the concept of self preservation?
How brilliant is the random capacity of the wind?
Do you know where it will turn next?
How brilliant is the gravity that holds your feet to the ground?
Your first day of school…the day you were born…the first time you wrote a complete sentence…these moments are filled with brilliance that maybe we can’t even fully understand…
A moment spent in brilliance can very well be a moment where you ask one question…
A day of brilliance could be spent laying in bed…how brilliant is that sweet rest?
Does our body not yearn for the brilliance we find by resting our head on a pillow, or even on our own hands?
A brilliant rest that eludes us so much, because we yearn for brilliance in other aspects…
Brilliant minds can many times see the beauty in small detail…from a man and a woman holding hands, knowing that their connections in their hearts are just as intangible as the touch of a cloud, but made tangible by the intertwining of their fingers, feeling that the valves of their hearts are intertwined just the same.
There is brilliance in love, running all throughout it.
Love is the most elusive concept…unexplainable with human words
That’s because love is not human Himself
His brilliance is above our understanding.
Brilliance is beautiful..small and great…wide or narrow…
Just like a baby’s first crawl leads to a first step, and a lifetime journey
So can one concept be brilliantly budding the future of the thing you love most dearly…
The brilliance that you find, wherever you find it.
Find the bliss in your brilliance, and find the brilliance in your bliss…
Live brilliantly, never forsaking the small details…for the collection of each small detail is what makes up the big picture…
Most of all, give tribute to the most brilliant of all, for He is worthy of it.
Live brilliantly…