
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Melody's Keys

My Melody’s Keys

By chris©

I’m thinking of a melody…
Notes sweet to the sensitivity of my ears
She knows me inside out, and realizes the harmony we create
I could kiss her fingertips and tell that she had been playing the ebony and ivory keys of a piano,
With every finger I can hear each chord she strikes, creating my love song
Then she opens her mouth and sings the words, watching for my reaction
My melody plays me, in every way…
She plays my stress and agony
Then changes the progression of notes to match the joy she sees in me
She gives a sound to my spiritual and mental state of mind
The only way she can fit me so perfectly is if she was sent by my Father…because only He knows me well enough to be able to match us like puzzle pieces.
I love watching her fingers roll up and down the hammer weighted keys
And with every key she hits, my smile grows.
This is one of the things I see when I think of my beauty…
Not because she necessarily knows how to perform the ebony and ivory in the physical sense, but because that’s the way she makes me feel
I think of a still soft sound as I feel her still soft touch…
She places her hand over my heart just to feel the rhythm that she should play to, and smiles when she feels the same rhythm she was thinking of…
She takes me to a far away land, where the sand is dark colored and the water is clear blue
Then to a small waterfall, where we sit on the rocks and watch the splashing of the waves
As we sit there, I pick out a flower and put it in her hair…yea she’s worth that kind of love.
This is what the right melody can do to you when it walks and talks the way she does…
She says things that impress me, because it stems from a heart rooted in the God I daily give my life to.
Therefore, as she plays, I listen, contemplating and simultaneously creating within myself the melody I will give her in return…
And I plan to use the same ebony and ivory keys she tailored to me.

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