
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

He Saved Me

He Saved Me

By Blessed©

Red blood…trickling down from the top of Your head, and dripping from Your chin

Expressions of agony on your face, displaying the grief as metal pierced Your skin…

Multitudes ridiculed You, laughing and watching you die on that cross…

I sit here marveling at what You did so my life wouldn’t be forever lost

A thorn filled crown is what they put on Your head, since You were supposed to be a King

But they didn’t see Your rivers of water flowing from within

They mocked your words and treated You as a lowly peasant

Denying the truth, that to this world, You are one of God’s most precious presents

If I had the divine ability to roll back the hands of time…

I would stop Adam and Eve’s sin, so life could be more sublime

This sinful flesh that I wake up with everyday

Coupled with the temptations of life, tries to convince me that You aren’t the way

But by Your word I know that You are not only the way, but the Truth, and the Life

So I will continue to push till that great day, praying that by Your mercy I will rest from this strife

How could I imagine the story of your life and not perceive

Even a glimpse of the great love in each drop of blood You shed for me?

That blood was pumping straight from Your heart, out from your hands, head, feet, and side

And because of that, I have a refuge and fortress and can put my fears aside…

Because that four letter word, fear, is not a spirit you desire for me to feel

Because all it is is F-alse E-xpectations A-ppearing R-eal

But another four letter word you made so much more real to me

LOVE…L-iving O-ut V-irtue E-ternally

So I’m going to carry my cross daily and die daily while I’m at it

Trying my best to kick any harmful, and sinful habits

This cross is heavy, so I bow my knees everyday to talk to You

Because You felt it before, so u can help me with what I’m going through

I’ve made a vow and I’m gonna hold each word tight as I say

Thank You Father for coming down to show me THE better way…

I Love You…


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