
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blissful Brilliance

Blissful Brilliance

By Blessed©

The wit of the wind…beautiful in it’s own way, brilliance indescribable

What is ur definition of brilliance?

Couldn’t one find brilliance in anything? Even if he’s the only one that sees it in that way?

Is brilliance just a word with a definition? Or is it just an emotion? A gathering of feelings?

Do you need someone to tell you you’re brilliant for you to feel like it?

Some see brilliance in a skillfully written novel…possessing high levels of intellect that are probably difficult to grasp with a lack of a certain level of education

But isn’t there just as much brilliance in the child at the edge of the sidewalk, hanging one foot into the street, who looks if a car is coming?

How brilliant is the concept of self preservation?

How brilliant is the random capacity of the wind?

Do you know where it will turn next?

How brilliant is the gravity that holds your feet to the ground?

Your first day of school…the day you were born…the first time you wrote a complete sentence…these moments are filled with brilliance that maybe we can’t even fully understand…

A moment spent in brilliance can very well be a moment where you ask one question…

A day of brilliance could be spent laying in bed…how brilliant is that sweet rest?

Does our body not yearn for the brilliance we find by resting our head on a pillow, or even on our own hands?

A brilliant rest that eludes us so much, because we yearn for brilliance in other aspects…

Brilliant minds can many times see the beauty in small detail…from a man and a woman holding hands, knowing that their connections in their hearts are just as intangible as the touch of a cloud, but made tangible by the intertwining of their fingers, feeling that the valves of their hearts are intertwined just the same.

There is brilliance in love, running all throughout it.

Love is the most elusive concept…unexplainable with human words

That’s because love is not human Himself

His brilliance is above our understanding.

Brilliance is beautiful..small and great…wide or narrow…

Just like a baby’s first crawl leads to a first step, and a lifetime journey

So can one concept be brilliantly budding the future of the thing you love most dearly…

The brilliance that you find, wherever you find it.

Find the bliss in your brilliance, and find the brilliance in your bliss…

Live brilliantly, never forsaking the small details…for the collection of each small detail is what makes up the big picture…

Most of all, give tribute to the most brilliant of all, for He is worthy of it.

Live brilliantly…

Passion's Hand

Passion’s Hand

By Blessed©

The hand of passion...

Skin softer than a falling rose petal...

Smooth and gentle to the eyes...

Her words, like a medicine curing me of my past pain...

Sweet and delicate speaking to my soul through her placid lips...

Her eyes, I can barely watch without slipping into a trance...

A trance where I walk through her thoughts

And the pace of my steps is formed by the rhythm of her heartbeat

Her cheeks...tender is what my lips tell me they are

As she walks with me every day, her motion is of a lovely form

She walks with the passion I have lived all my life

She takes my right hand with her left, and intertwines my fingers with her own

Passion stands in front of me, and is with me wherever I go

She's mine...

She tells me she loves me

Passion is her name…Passion Diligence

And with Diligence’s Passion, Passion makes her most diligent feelings known to me

Feelings I never reject, but embrace along with her complex simplicity

Passion is the reason why I am who I am

Without Passion that is mine, my desire for the things I value wouldn’t be this deep

She has shown me to grasp, and hold on tight…not only with my hands, but with my heart as well

Passion’s hand will never let me go…and I intend to hold onto her as long as my fingers can close…

She understands me to my core…she’s beautiful like that

So I will continue to walk with Passion and Diligence…until I, or Passion’s Diligence, is no more…

Tailored For Us

Tailored for Us

By Blessed©

Looking into my eyes…one of the simplest forms of love you’ve ever shown me

Having you in my arms feels like a fire…tearing up all the lies and people who tried to come between us…

As tornados appeared to gather around us, aimed at our love…we lived in the eye of the storm…calm and sweet…true to our deepest understanding…

Passion…you see it in me, down to my very core…

Treasure, I see in you, beating from your heart, and pumping through your veins…

We’ve gone from thin to thick, and back to thin again…

We’ve had our ups and downs…

Some of your downs were during my ups, and some of ur ups were during my downs…

But you were there for me in spite of it all…you were there praying for me…

You were there to comfort…

And I gave the same sentiments to you…

That’s love…not forsaken

When I look at you I see more than just a pretty face, and beauty from head to toe…

I see a radiant light that shines from within you, through everywhere it can find a path to me…

Whether it be your smile, your eyes…your words, right down to the touch of your fingertips…

And as your fingers tip me toward these thoughts, your heart beats my words…

I find your passion in some of our quietest moments…watching your mind race through your ideas…

I see your passion down to the way you speak to me…

Seeing you reach your hand out to those who need it…whether they may ask or not…

And I see how you carry yourself…with the elegance and grace of a woman, and the wisdom of God’s daughter

I support you as your man…and you support me as my woman…

You make me feel like a king, which persuades me to make you feel like a queen

I make you feel like a queen, which persuades you to make me feel like a king…

I am here for you…to rub your feet when you’re tired…to give you encouragement when you’re down…

To love you the way you desire to be loved…

You love me in very unique and special way…

A way tailored to me…detailed to my thoughts…

A love that recognizes my love in its truest form…

Stay sweet…

I love you

He Saved Me

He Saved Me

By Blessed©

Red blood…trickling down from the top of Your head, and dripping from Your chin

Expressions of agony on your face, displaying the grief as metal pierced Your skin…

Multitudes ridiculed You, laughing and watching you die on that cross…

I sit here marveling at what You did so my life wouldn’t be forever lost

A thorn filled crown is what they put on Your head, since You were supposed to be a King

But they didn’t see Your rivers of water flowing from within

They mocked your words and treated You as a lowly peasant

Denying the truth, that to this world, You are one of God’s most precious presents

If I had the divine ability to roll back the hands of time…

I would stop Adam and Eve’s sin, so life could be more sublime

This sinful flesh that I wake up with everyday

Coupled with the temptations of life, tries to convince me that You aren’t the way

But by Your word I know that You are not only the way, but the Truth, and the Life

So I will continue to push till that great day, praying that by Your mercy I will rest from this strife

How could I imagine the story of your life and not perceive

Even a glimpse of the great love in each drop of blood You shed for me?

That blood was pumping straight from Your heart, out from your hands, head, feet, and side

And because of that, I have a refuge and fortress and can put my fears aside…

Because that four letter word, fear, is not a spirit you desire for me to feel

Because all it is is F-alse E-xpectations A-ppearing R-eal

But another four letter word you made so much more real to me

LOVE…L-iving O-ut V-irtue E-ternally

So I’m going to carry my cross daily and die daily while I’m at it

Trying my best to kick any harmful, and sinful habits

This cross is heavy, so I bow my knees everyday to talk to You

Because You felt it before, so u can help me with what I’m going through

I’ve made a vow and I’m gonna hold each word tight as I say

Thank You Father for coming down to show me THE better way…

I Love You…


My Melody's Keys

My Melody’s Keys

By chris©

I’m thinking of a melody…
Notes sweet to the sensitivity of my ears
She knows me inside out, and realizes the harmony we create
I could kiss her fingertips and tell that she had been playing the ebony and ivory keys of a piano,
With every finger I can hear each chord she strikes, creating my love song
Then she opens her mouth and sings the words, watching for my reaction
My melody plays me, in every way…
She plays my stress and agony
Then changes the progression of notes to match the joy she sees in me
She gives a sound to my spiritual and mental state of mind
The only way she can fit me so perfectly is if she was sent by my Father…because only He knows me well enough to be able to match us like puzzle pieces.
I love watching her fingers roll up and down the hammer weighted keys
And with every key she hits, my smile grows.
This is one of the things I see when I think of my beauty…
Not because she necessarily knows how to perform the ebony and ivory in the physical sense, but because that’s the way she makes me feel
I think of a still soft sound as I feel her still soft touch…
She places her hand over my heart just to feel the rhythm that she should play to, and smiles when she feels the same rhythm she was thinking of…
She takes me to a far away land, where the sand is dark colored and the water is clear blue
Then to a small waterfall, where we sit on the rocks and watch the splashing of the waves
As we sit there, I pick out a flower and put it in her hair…yea she’s worth that kind of love.
This is what the right melody can do to you when it walks and talks the way she does…
She says things that impress me, because it stems from a heart rooted in the God I daily give my life to.
Therefore, as she plays, I listen, contemplating and simultaneously creating within myself the melody I will give her in return…
And I plan to use the same ebony and ivory keys she tailored to me.

Thorn-Filled Flesh

Thorn-Filled Flesh

By Chris©

As I look at my manly flesh so corrupt, I cannot help but have a sense of sorrow come over me

But then after the sorrow, I feel joy

Joy because You died for such unworthy flesh as mine

Joy because I have another chance at life

And with this new chance at life, I have a new chance at love…your Love

I have a chance at Your love because You are Love

And Love is in You

Love that surpasses all feeble human understanding

Lord, each time I fall, you pick me back up and lead me in the right way

Because of this, I constantly learn more each day what it means to be a son of God…a son of the King

As Paul said to the Corinthians, they had become sorrowful but in a godly way, that through this sorrow they might see light

A light that shines so bright, because that light is a reflection of You.

Because of their sorrow, the begin to see more clearly the path you have laid out for them

And not only do they see the path more clearly, but they understand better how they should walk in this path.

Every time I fall, I feel exactly the same way…that my understanding increases so much

I understand that every time I fall, it is for a purpose.

Your word says that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord, and are called according to Your purpose.


I whole heartedly desire the meat of Your word and not just the sincere milk of it

And I thank You for the milk and meat that I have gotten thus far, because it has helped to build my faith to where it is now.

Continue to build this vessel of Yours to be what you intended, according to Your will

I do nothing for man, nor for man to be glorified

It is all for You

You are my God

You are my Savior

You are my Lord,

You are my Redeemer…no one else

No one else could stand in Your place on that cross

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God”

As I live in this cold world, filled with hatred, temptation, and rebellion among other things, I rejoice in my infirmities, because it is a testament to Your great Love, power, and authority

It shows me how miniscule of a man I am, and how much more miniscule of a man I would be without You

It reminds me that in myself I am but weak, but in You, I am strong

So as I look at my thorn-filled flesh, I say…Thank You Father, for it is You who brought me through…

There is a King in You

There Is a King In You

By Christopher Hird©

He saw you, then turned the water into wine...
He saw me, then he fed thousands of people with the bit of fish and bread that was brought to him...
He saw all of us in our sins, then He died on the cross for them...
"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
And above His head..."King of the Jews"
A true King indeed...
Multitudes fled their comfort zones just to see His feel His touch
Just to see the King...
But He's not just the King of the Jews...
He's my King as well...
Where would I be without Him?
Where would you be if He wasn't in your life?
He's not just a King...He's a Father, a guide, a helper
A shield and buckler...A friend...
He has you right in the palm of His hand...gently
Still molding you with every step you take
He cares for you.
He saw you that night when you cried...He was there
He saw you that day when they said those things to hurt you...He was there...right beside you
He was there, in your heart.
He felt every tear that dropped...touched by your infirmities
He said He will not fail us, nor forsake us.
All you have to do is call His name...Jesus
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nation, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."
Not only is He by your side, but He resides in your heart
Contrary to what anyone may tell you,
There is a King in you...
Don't let anyone tell you different...

Quiet Eruption

Quiet Eruption

By Chris©

Quiet night, quiet sky, and a quiet moon

I whisper quietly to my quiet soul

Basking in the peaceful serenity...

Quietly, each tree branch points to the quiet grass that lines my narrow path...

While the wind blows quietly through each blade...

All this, while a quiet storm builds in my quiet mind...

Confused as to whether it can stay quiet any longer…

Each wall in my quiet soul holds a portion of my story

A story that it can only tell quietly because many lack the sense of quiet serenity that my soul knows

If I speak quietly, my quietness might deafen some of the loudness I encounter on each quiet day

I continue to quietly stroll...

Waiting for the most quiet time, to speak my quiet thoughts...

So they are heard…seen...and felt…quietly...

And I Walk...

I walk...
Praying that my feet lead me to a life in eternity, because anything less than that is a failure in my eyes
I see the beige sands that I step in...water rushing to the shore
I see the pain and anguish of so many people before my eyes
I can only do so much, but my heart wishes it can do much more

And I walk...
I see a new scenery
I see the brown bark trees
And I am somewhat eager to climb
Just to feel like my altitude is higher than it was before
before the hurt, before the shame, broken-bottled scrapes and bruises

And I walk...
I see the eyes of those around me...
As I look into these eyes I see so much love, so much passion
In these eyes I see the search for contentment and a promise
I see the desire for well-being
In some, the desire to help, and in others mixed somewhere in between them, the desire to hurt
But their hurt only brings bumps in my walkway...merely stepping stones to my destination
They hope to bring me to a point where I am the same as them, but I dont see that happening anytime soon.
Nevertheless, I try my best to keep the integrity that I have been taught throughout my life to this point

And I walk...
I look at my shoes, and I see the battered soles, but then I look within, and I see my replenished soul
With each stitch of my shoe's sole that unravels, I feel a bandage from my soul being removed,
Because the place it once held has no need for it anymore
If my soles should tear in order for my soul to heal, then by all means, I will walk to my soule's content

So I walk...
I pass by little children playing, enjoying their years of not having a care in the world
They make me smile because they are so full of joy

And I walk...
I see me walking into a new chapter of my life
I see the horizon in front of me, kissing the sun
I feel like I can almost touch it
I follow the path of my footsteps, laid out by the bright green grass around my feet
I fall and scrape my knee on the concrete, but no worries
I've been taught that you have to be tough...mentally, physically, and spiritually

And I walk...
Listenin to the wind whisper in my ear, telling me it's secrets
Watching the skies change course and the bright light slowly dim
Then I see my scenery change once more
It feels very familiar
Water rushing towards me...sand under my feet
But there's something different about it this time
The sand is golden brown...
And as I look closer, I see footsteps...
These footsteps line a straight path in the far as my eyes can see...
So I take a deep breath of fresh spring air, and decide to take a chance, and walk in them...
Then I feel a warm comforting sensation through my body
There is something about these footprints that make me want to walk in every one of them...
I try my best to make sure my feet match each footprint as best as I can...
Maybe the path to my destination has already been laid out for me...
If I could just keep my feet in these footprints...

And I walk...
I walk on, knowing that my steps are not finished, because my finish line has not been reached
But I think these footsteps will lead me exactly where I need to go...

So I walk...
And until I reach my destination of eternity, I do not plan for this walk to end...

And I walk...

Lord, Thank You

Thank You

By Chris©

Lord, I thank You for another day

I thank you for being a Father to me, teaching me right, while showing me the
look of wrong

So many times I have fallen short of your glory, as all men have

But yet, so many times have you picked me up, dusted me of, and led me back
in the right direction

Time and time again I fall, but You find no problem in saying “It is ok son, I am

You have never given up on me Lord, even when I wasn’t where I should have

You always tell me to be strong, yet humble

Many times you have told me that if I humble myself, You will lift me up, but if I
exalt myself among men, You will cast me down

But You never cast down to leave in destruction

You only break parts of me so that You can continue molding and making me
better than I was before

So many times I can almost hear Your voice and picture You saying, “Son, this is
not for you”

But yet so many times I see myself falling from dangerous places, but not
putting forth the best effort to hang onto the edge of that cliff

But yet, You are so merciful that you see it fit to catch me on a cloud

Sometimes when You do I feel like you caught me at a lower place than the last

But by faith in You, through Your grace, I don’t have to hit the rocks below

Through You, I can fly high above the clouds

I can soar above the seas

I can be whole…

You always tell me to watch out for Your adversary, because he comes only to
seek and devour who he may

But I refuse to let him devour me!

I rather be swallowed up and engulfed in Your love

Your love is good

Your love is pure

Your love is right

Your love covers a multitude of sin

Your love has covered my sin…

Through Your love, I have life today, and I have the opportunity to have life
forever more

Lord, You have taught me so much about how to love, and I have tried my best
to put it into practice

But I know there is still so much more to learn

You said that what is wisdom with men is foolishness with You

That’s how far above our understanding You are

For your methods are above our comprehension, and your ways are past
finding out.

Your love passes all understanding

Lord, teach me more…

Teach me all that it means to be a true son of the King

Teach me more about the walk and talk of a man of God

And not only about the walk and talk, but more about the understanding,
wisdom, prudence that I need to put a smile on Your face.

You told me that Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of
things not seen

You said that if I believe, I can have life through Your name

You told me to trust in You, and lean not unto my own understanding

My fleshy understanding is futile, but through You, it can be elevated to a point
where I can see clearly what it is you have in store for me.

I want only to operate in faith, believing in You, trusting that You are the
definition of truth

I desire for you to continue to let Your will be done, always remembering me in
the process, fulfilling Your will through me…

You told me that You will never leave me, nor forsake me

I can feel You here with me

You are my Father, Friend, Guide, Shield, Buckler, Brother, Shelter, Redeemer,
Savior, Strength…and so much more that feeble words cannot describe

Thank You

I love You…

My Life Companion

My Life Companion

By Christopher Hird©

I love you
I love you more than you know
I love the way you smile through the storm
I love the brightness in your eyes every time you look at me
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but not even a million could describe your beauty
Just a smile and a word of encouragement from you helps me get through tough times
Every time I hold your hand, I feel like I’m holding your heart at the same time
A heart so fragile but strong
I will care for your heart the best way I know how
I will care for it as I do my own
I love your gentle touch
Just the feeling of your fingers intertwined with mine is enough to warm me up
You can turn my tears into my laughter
Your kiss is as sweet as your soul
It seems to take my mind away to a raging waterfall…powerful and passionate, yet kind peaceful, and soothing…
I have never met anyone like you
You’ve shown me that with your imperfections, you perfectly complement me
Your dark brown eyes pull me so deep into your core
Its almost as if I can see every thought and emotion, every feeling, every fear
I can feel every ache…hear every tear drop like the rain you cried them in
I can feel every ear to ear smile, see every great moment…
I see the day we met over and over
I see our first date, when we realized just how uniquely intriguing each other was
I see that four letter word that I adore so much…
You live it…you breathe it
If only I could tell you everything that was on my mind for you and I
I picture us under the night sky…you and I in each other’s arms
You slowly rub the back of your hand against my arm caressing my skin as if its texture is to your liking, while I admire your elegant loveliness as the moonlight passes over your beautiful face
You sing to me…my favorite song
You sing it just right, not only saying the words, but feeling them as they come out of your mouth
You show me just how much you mean them
You are amazing
You love me even when I act stubborn in my ways
I know I can be a pain, but you open your arms even through the pain
I do the same for you
Even when you have your stubborn days, I may not like it, and I may not speak for a little while, but I do undoubtedly love you
I love you so much that I do sometimes get a little frustrated when things are not the way they should be…
I love you nonetheless
When you help me grow as a person, I love you even more
And when I help you grow, I love you even more
Everyday when I wake up next to you, I love you even more
I never want to lose your love
It is too refreshing not to cherish it
You make me feel like a man, a king
I treat you as my woman, a queen,
You fear the Lord, and for that, I do give you praises, then u turn around and give them to God, which I love about you
Your beauty stems from God, its true source
I am glad that I have you as the one to spend the rest of my life with
I wouldn’t trade you for the rarest of rubies…
I love you…and I never plan on stopping

Simple Love

Simple Love

By Chris©

I sit here gazing at this waterfall
I see the exotic plants of all different shapes and colors
They seem to form their own scheme…reds, purples, yellows, greens, and oranges just to name a few
The water is so clear that it feels like a dream
But I don’t think I would ever want this dream to end
I can feel the cool summer breeze, soft and tender…light to the touch
As I see you standing beside me, only one word comes to my mind…
I can see this word that seems to fit like a puzzle piece into your wondrous eyes
Your beauty is almost unimaginable
Mainly because it stems from a place beneath the skin…beneath every core of your being
It stems from your Creator…no other woman can ever match that in my eyes
You are my puzzle piece, made to fit me as I was made to fit you
Without you I feel only a shade of completion
You are my main component
You are the one that makes us one
Our fingers intertwined…our hearts the same
I pick one of these flowers to fit you…
The only one that comes close is one that encompasses a plethora of color, light and dark
Each color represents a component of your beauty
Blue…for the sweet heart in you that I fall in love with over and over every day
Red…for the fiery passion that I see in your eyes whenever you set your mind on something
Brown…for your sensitive touch that feels so soft on my skin
Green, for the desire that I see in you for success
Yellow merged with pink…for your soft and kind spirit and light heartedness
Orange…for the versatility you seem to know so well
Purple…for the strength that I see in your feminine beauty…beauty that never fades
This flower can only describe so much
But you are much more
The way you make me feel is beyond words…
You love me like no other…you know what I need
Yes true love takes time, time that I look forward to spending with you, to explore your love
But time almost seems to stop when our eyes meet
Time cannot hold back the love I see deep in your eyes
I want you, and only you
They like to call me a one woman man…you’re my one woman…I’m your one man
So many times I ask myself…why didn’t we find each other sooner?
It’s because we weren’t ready for each other yet
We had to “love” before in order to get the immaturities in our love out of our systems
Our past taught us how to live our present and future, together, in peaceful harmony
It is through our past and God’s guidance that we know just how to speak and listen, to be truly truthful and love with no boundaries
Let every man have a woman, and every woman have a man, because it is a good thing
Not my words…the Lord’s
You are my good thing
You are simply amazing…amazingly gorgeous…gorgeously loving…lovingly beautiful

I love you…