
Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Woman

A Woman

By Blessed

A woman

A woman is a delicate being

A woman can be strong, but never loses that delicate sense of emotion she was created with

A woman tries her best in all she is faced with

When a woman is faced with an issue, she tries to handle it in the best way she thinks possible

A woman is caring, kind, considerate, and compassionate

She can and should also be strong minded and focused

She is a detailed individual with her own curves that help to determine her identity

She thrives off her identity, and she should never be anything but proud of it

She is made in a specific way for a purpose, a purpose bigger than herself

Her heart is tender and sweet

Her touch is soft and meaningful

Even her eyes tend to scream the desires of her heart whether she realizes it or not

A woman’s life is never easy, just as human nature in general

Do not be fooled, many of the problems that many women experience and blame on men actually go both ways

Men hurt too…a man can hurt just as bad a woman

But a man tends to show it differently, as he was made to do

But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t hurt…pain is pain

But there are some forms of pain that men do not experience, but unfortunately women can count on, readily expect, and sometimes, flat out anticipate

For this, a man can’t say anything but “I’m here for you”

A woman can be easily emotional if a situation has just the right twist to touch her heart

A woman loves

She loves hard

When she truly loves, it its hard to break that bond, and she has no problem proving that theory correct

A woman is beautiful

No matter what others say to you

You are beautiful

If you can find no one else to say it, then I will

“You Are Beautiful”…because you were made to be

Women can prove to be a very territorial and defensive gender

Once she feels something is hers, even if that is not necessarily the case, she subconsciously places sentimental value onto it, and then the value usually builds from there

When this object of affection is taken from her grasp, she can hurt as any human would, but she might wear her pain on her sleeve a little more

But that is how she was made, she cannot be completely to blame for that

It was not her plan to make herself emotional, it was the Lord’s

For all those who wish to argue the basic nature of a woman

I challenge you not to readily argue with that woman unless it is due to a lack of wisdom on her part, but I challenge you to argue her design with her Creator…

And if you wish to do so, I wish you luck, because not only is that a losing battle, it’s a lost battle

A woman has flaws

A woman is at the end of the day human, with human habits

She is not perfect

Sometimes women can be overzealous

Many women can gain a sense of arrogance, just as men can

And in the process, some women begin to feel that they are above the status of men, but that is not so…

This is the unfortunate result of one human characteristic…rebellious by nature

Woman was made for man, not man for woman

So a woman should not put herself above the head of a man, because then she is not necessarily going against the man, but against God’s original intent

Woman is not better than Man, just as Man is not better than Woman

Both are equally important

A Man was made to be in control, to have authority and dominion…

A woman was made as a help meet for a man, to help and support him, and stand by his side

This is why a man is the head…and a woman is the backbone…one controls while the other supports

They are equally complementary

A man is subject to his wife, just as a wife is subject to her husband

Not my words…The Lord’s

But realize that just as men, there is sometimes some type of cause to this arrogance

Sometimes, a woman will be treated so badly that when she finally finds self-confidence, she turns it into arrogance

Though this can possibly be a result of prior pain, arrogance is still not justified in any way

Woman is a gender to be treasured

Although she is to be treasured, she is not to be adored beyond measure, as many people sometimes tend to think

A woman many times is willing to work hard for what she wants

A woman is naturally deep, even if she doesn’t know it

A woman cares for her own, in her own special way like no other

Her love is special

She tries to be where she is needed to the utmost best of her ability

A woman consoles her man when necessary, just as a man does for his woman

A woman can easily become the center of a man’s love, which is something she should be proud of

A woman should seek to please God in all her ways…valuing God’s love above all

Woman was created by God, therefore her existence is a marvelous thing

I say this not to build up any one woman in particular. All women are different, but share many of the same characteristics. All women at some point fall short of certain things. But falling short does not make you any less of a woman; it just makes you more of a human. It is not the fact that you fall short, but it’s how many times you fall short and what you fall short on that can make you less of a “good” woman. But don’t mistake this for being a less valued individual, because you are not. All human beings are equal, but some play different roles by gender, and within genders, different roles are destined to be played by different individuals…but that is the wonderful thing about human nature, all are made differently. Though we may be different by purpose, our ultimate goal should be the same.

I say this solely to voice my thoughts.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I am completely open to any questions, suggestions, comments, or additions that any of you may have.

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